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Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers at 2022 Winter Meeting Sessions: 


The Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) invites you to submit an abstract to participate in one of the planned sessions at the 2022 CMS Winter Meeting. The Canadian Mathematical Society has created an open abstract submission process to support session organizers in their important work and in their efforts towards inclusivity and diversity. We encourage applications from members who identify as part of traditionally under-represented groups, including, but not limited to: Women, Indigenous Peoples, Persons with Disabilities, Members of Visible Minorities and/or Racialized Groups, and members of the LGBTQ+ Community. The CMS also welcomes applications from Graduate Students.


Applicants must submit their presentation abstract using this link. For more information, applicants should visit the meeting website, which displays a list containing an abstract for each session. This will allow all session information to be viewed before submission of an application.


Session organizers will be able to select and invite successful candidates from the pool of abstracts received, as well as from their list of potential speakers that they had included in their proposal. The CMS encourages organizers to invite speakers from under-represented groups and graduate students. 


Upon approval of their presentation, speakers must register for the meeting before they will be able to submit their abstract on the CMS website. This year, thanks to the RBC Foundation’s generous sponsorship of our Closing the Gap initiative, we are offering discounted meeting registration rates to CMS members aged 15-29 who identify as part of one or more of the groups mentioned above.


The scientific sessions will take place from December 3-5, 2022. 


Speakers must submit abstracts to session organizers for approval no later than Friday, October 21, 2022.


Successful applicants must submit their abstract to the CMS by Friday, November 4, 2022, to have their abstract included in the meeting program.


Funding for CMS Member Students: 

With the support of Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM), the Fields Institute, and Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS), grants are available to fund a portion of the travel and accommodation expenses for bona fide graduate students and CMS student members. Canadian students will be given preference. 


Applicants should ask their supervisor or departmental graduate advisor to complete the online application form here no later than October 31, 2022. 


The CMS will notify applicants of the funding decision after applications have closed. If successful, the student will receive a cheque for reimbursement of expenses after the meeting and upon completion and submission of the standard Travel Expense Claim Form, along with appropriate original receipts.


For additional information, please contact the CMS Office at