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Connecting Women in Mathematics Across Canada (CWiMAC)

June 2-3, 2021 : Online

The CMS Committee for Women in Mathematics, with support of the CMS and its institutional partners, periodically organizes workshops entitled Connecting Women in Mathematics Across Canada (CWiMAC).

The purpose of the CWiMAC workshops is to support the career development of junior female-identified academics in the Canadian mathematics community. We use an inclusive definition of woman and female and we welcome trans women, genderqueer women, and non-binary people who are significantly female-identified.
  • CWiMAC 2014, Banff International Research Station, Banff, AB, October 3-5, 2014
  • CWiMAC 2008, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, December 4-5, 2008
  • CWiMAC 2006, Fields Institute, Toronto, ON, December 7-8, 2006
  • CWiMAC 2005, Banff International Research Station, Banff, AB, July 21-23, 2005
  • CWiMAC 2003, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, June 12-13, 2003


The 2021 CWiMAC workshop is organized in coordination with the CMS Women in Mathematics Committee. The purpose of the CWiMAC workshops is to support the career  development of junior female-identified academics in the Canadian mathematics community. The workshop will be held virtually on Wednesday, June 2 and Thursday, June 3, 2021, preceding the 75th+1 Anniversary Meeting of the Canadian Mathematical Society online.

Speakers and Panelists

Megan Dewar

Tutte Institute for Mathematics and Computing

Gerda de Vries

Mathematical and Statistical Sciences,  University of Alberta.

Barbara Csima

Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo.

Jessica Lin

Mathematics and  Statistics, McGill University.


 Malabika Pramanik

Mathematics, University of British Columbia

Alina Stancu

Mathematics and Statistics, Concordia University

Anita Layton

Canada 150 Research Chair in Mathematical Biology and Medicine, Applied Mathematics,  University of Waterloo

Alexandra McSween

President of the AWM student chapter and Women in Math Club, Mathematics and Statistics, University of Ottawa

Sara Faridi

Mathematics and  Statistics, Dalhousie University

Chantal David

Mathematics and Statistics, Concordia University


The workshop will consist of a mix of invited presentations and panel discussions. Junior participants will be encouraged to give short presentations on their research.  Short presentations may be given in parallel sessions if needed for schedule reasons.

Organizing Committee

  • Lucy Campbell, Carleton University
  • Ailana Fraser, University of British Columbia
  • Matilde Lalín, Unversit’e de Montreal
  • Karen Meagher, University of Regina
  • Lucia Moura, University of Ottawa
If you are a student or a post-doctoral fellow and would like to contribute a talk to this workshop email: 
This email should include your name, institution, position (Masters, PhD or Post-doctoral fellow) and the title of proposed talk. Please submit titles soon, since there may not be space in the schedule for everyone who wishes to speak. 
There will be prizes for the best student/post-doctoral fellow presentation!

Registration (Complimentary)

Registration is through the CMS Summer Meeting registration. Please click the button to register. 
